
Jean-Luc Olleville - Produceur - Writer

"Jean-Marc embodies excellence in his field,
which was confirmed during our collaboration at TF1,
where I had the pleasure of working with him for many years in the
years working on trailers and short programmes.
His professionalism, politeness and efficiency are undeniable
and his presence contributes greatly to maintaining a pleasant
and productive working atmosphere. As a voice-over actor
his varied range and warmth add a captivating dimension to every
captivating dimension to every project. His availability
his availability and commitment are exemplary, and he excels in
the subtle nuances of each script.
Working with him is synonymous with a successful collaboration
where quality and efficiency come together harmoniously.
Working with him is synonymous with a successful collaboration
where quality and efficiency come together in harmony".


Sophie Ziessel - Account Director

“ It’s a pleasure to work with Jean-Marc –
he is a very professional voice-over actor,
extremely open and efficient.
His male voice over palette is rich and his tone
very warm.
I appreciate how serious he is about getting
the best possible result at every voice recording.”

Catherine Wyszynski - Artistic Director

“ Working with Jean-Marc is such a pleasure.
When he arrives he’s relaxed, smiling and ready to work.
He is quick to analyse each text and put his professional
experienceinto understanding what we want to get out of it.
He’s never off the mark, always sharp in his suggestions,
tolerant and attuned to my “nit-picking”, and never indifferent!
Artists like Jean-Marc, I wish I had them in our studio every day.”

Rafaële Dhuicque-Filloux - Production Manager 
“ I’ve been working with Jean-Marc for almost 20 years
Every single time, at each recording, it’s a real pleasure
to be able to count on his experience, his kindness and
his talent.
The right tone, the right shade, so smart and so easy.
Jean-Marc is an essential actor, one of the best voice overs
in my casting.”

Claire Mezerais - Radio Producer Director

“ Jean-Marc is a very versatile voice over actor with
a wide range of interpretation. He’s always cheerful, open
and patient and will not hesitate to help find creative solutions
alongside the director.
I recommend him for any type of production setting."

Andreas Sidler - Founder and Owner
" It's always a pleasure to work with Jean-Marc,
he masters all voice over categories.
Also his responsiveness is very good which is important
nowaday we can highly recommend his studio, it sounds great." 

Pierre Goichon - Responsable auto-promotion
" Professionalism, smiles, availability and talent…
At each session the entire promotional team for W9 and Téva
are thrilled at the idea of working with Jean Marc whose voice
range and creativity make working with him so very comfortable.
He is an actor with a true sense of rhythm and a flair for making
the sales pitch needed to promote a TV channel;
he is as good as gold ! "

Céline Pereira - Art Director
“Highly professional, invested, and moreover pleasant
to work with, Jean-Marc is also able to adapt to
and assimilate directions, even when they are pretty vague…
“We need a headquarters kind of tone” (an inside joke from
the recording of “Escape, 21 Days to Disappear”).
Jean-Marc can embody a show without ever showing his body !”