For the realization of the parody of the program "Recherche appartement ou maison", the production of the program "La grande incruste 2" went to the end of the...
"Halloween Ends" is a project that brought back many memories. When the first movie of the saga was released in theaters, my parents had forbidden me to go see...
On Friday 2 September, TF1 unveiled its ranking of the "50 favourite programmes of the French", and what a happy surprise it was to see "Recherche appartement...
The documentary "The Message of the Butterflies" won the beautiful special Science prize at the 24th edition of the Luchon TV Festival in France. Here is an...
When I recorded these two TF1 commercials for the end of the year, I asked myself "Since when does the first European channel trust me"? My first paycheck...
The most complicated part of this kind of exercise is to slip between the dialogues of all these ladies while giving the impression that we had shot together...
Claude François is one of the artists who sold the most albums in France. True star of the 70s, Cloclo had a weak point: his fans. Teenage girls, for...
"The right balance" was the most difficult thing to keep throughout the recording of this children's story. Being the narrator and also the characters while...
Extract from Manon Bernard's article on Europe
11:07 am, April 27, 2021
The first episode of Loft Story is broadcast by M6 on April 26, 2001, the public...
"We are making a show on the 20 years of" Loft "for C8, do you want to record the voice-overs for the tape recorders? "... April 2001, So 20 years ago, I saw...
The documentary "The mythical duos of television" takes a a trip from the 1960s to the present day, discovering the secrets of this special alchemy that offers...